Distance Learning


Elementary Spanish I

Credits:  3  

An introductory Spanish course designed to give essential survival vocabulary interspersed with cultural information and written and oral proficiency skills in the target language. Laboratory requirement.  Students who successfully complete SPAN 1001 are expected to:

  • Use common greetings and short descriptions of themselves, family, friends, school, daily routine activities, pastimes, food.
  • Address others appropriately with respect to social relationship and context.
  • Express agreement and disagreement.
  • Reproduce learned material in talking about what they are doing today, what they did yesterday, and what they are going to do tomorrow.
  • Be able to make recombination of learned material.
  • Ask questions about classmates, their facilities, daily routine activities, pastimes, food.
  • Demonstrate understanding of classroom instruction.
  • Demonstrate understanding of the “edited” message spoken by the instructor even though not understanding every word.
  • Demonstrate understanding of classmates’ utterances when supported by situation context.
  • Read and demonstrate understanding of simple texts that describe the Hispanic world, the Hispanic family, school setting, and basic activities.
  • Read and demonstrate understanding of newspaper and magazine announcements of events such as games and concerts.
  • Read and demonstrate understanding of most directions in exams and classroom activities.
  • Write short paragraphs about self, family, school, basic activities. Sentences will be primarily recombination of already learned phrases but will begin to be placed in sequential order.
  • Compose a paragraph with internal structure and meaning.
  • Locate all Spanish-speaking countries on a map and name the capital of each.
  • Discuss at least one issue of current concern in the Spanish-speaking world and relate it to issues of concern in the United States.
  • Recognize and discuss some of the benefits of proficiency in a second language.
  • Recognize and discuss the growing Hispanic presence and its influence in the United States.
  • Identify and discuss some of the contributions of Spanish/Hispanic culture to the humanities and to world civilization.
  • Relate given cultural features of the Hispanic world with those of the United States.
  • Locate and utilize supplemental resources on the Internet

Course Requirements:

  • Online assignments, quizzes, and tests (closed book)
  • Basic knowledge of computers and computer applications
  • Be prepared to speak out loud in Spanish
  • Proctored Tests -- This course requires 2 proctored tests. Students may test at Albany State University campuses (East, West or Cordele) or online through Proctor U. Further information regarding proctored tests (including pricing structures for Proctor U) can be found within the course. Proctor U requires a computer (not a mobile device) with a webcam and microphone.

Additional Requirements:

Elementary Spanish II

Credits:  3 Prerequisite: SPAN 1001, SPAN 1101, or SPAN 1131

A continuation of SPAN 1001 or 1101 that further develops listening, speaking, reading, reading and writing skills in Spanish while including cultural, historical, and literary components. Students who successfully complete SPAN 1002 will be able to:

  • Recognize dialectal differences in various parts of the Spanish-speaking world.
  • Enter into basic dialogues with classmates. Describe themselves, their families, where they live, and routine activities today, yesterday, tomorrow. Be able to give a few statements about the past.
  • Make reference to indefinite and nonexistent persons, places, things, and times.
  • Talk about what and whom they know
  • Have a command of interrogative words and be able to use them correctly
  • Start formulating opinions about predictable events.
  • Use appropriate pronouns when the antecedent is known.
  • Describe the locations of persons and things relative to other persons and things.
  • Make equal and unequal comparisons and express extremes.
  • When listening to a simple story, be able to distinguish between what they did and what they used to do.
  • Understand many oral classroom directions and recombinations of set phrases.
  • Understand simple oral summaries of last week, yesterday, and what we used to do.
  • Use a variety of reading strategies to aid comprehension of all-Spanish texts such as movie and sale ads and weather reports.
  • Read short segments of prose with familiar vocabulary.
  • Read and explain simple all-Spanish texts such as movie and sale ads and weather reports.
  • Write short paragraphs about plans for the future or descriptions of past activities.
  • Write descriptions of classroom and daily activities including assigned vocabulary and recombinations of assigned phrases.
  • Write description of self, family, holidays, leisure and routine daily activities. Write about things that happened recently and plans for next summer.
  • Discuss at least one issue of current concern in the Spanish-speaking world and relate it to issues of concern in the United States.
  • Recognize and describe some of the contributions of the Hispanic world to the humanities and to Western culture.
  • Recognize and discuss the growing Hispanic presence and its influence in the United States.
  • Relate given cultural features of the Hispanic world with those of the United States.
  • Locate and utilize supplemental cultural resources through the Internet.

Course Requirements:

  • Online assignments, quizzes and exams (closed book)
  • Basic knowledge of computers and computer applications
  • Be prepared to speak out loud in Spanish
  • Proctored Tests –  This course requires 2 proctored tests. Students may test at Albany State University campuses (East, West or Cordele) or online through Proctor U. Further information regarding proctored tests (including pricing structures for Proctor U) can be found within the course. Proctor U requires a computer (not a mobile device) with a webcam and microphone.

Additional Requirements:

Spanish for Health Care Professionals I

Credits:  3 Prerequisite: Satisfactory English scores to place into co-requisite remediation or higher.

An introduction to speaking, listening, reading and writing in Spanish, with application in the context of health care related professions. Designed for individuals working or studying in health care related fields with little or no current proficiency in Spanish, the course presents health care terminology and grammar necessary to accomplish certain tasks required in the workplace, as well as extensive cultural information related to Hispanic culture.

Course Requirements:

  • Online assignments, quizzes and exams (closed book)
  • Proctored Tests – This course requires 2 proctored tests. Students may test at Albany State University campuses (East, West or Cordele) or online through Proctor U. Further information regarding proctored tests (including pricing structures for Proctor U) can be found within the course. Proctor U requires a computer (not a mobile device) with a webcam and microphone.

  • Basic knowledge of computers and computer applications

Additional Requirements:

Spanish for Health Care Professionals II

Credits:  3 Prerequisite: SPAN 1050

Continuation of Spanish for Health Care Professionals I. Continued development of speaking, listening, reading and writing skills in Spanish, with application in the context of health care related professions. Designed for individuals working or studying in health care related fields, the course presents health care terminology and grammar necessary to accomplish certain tasks required in the workplace, as well as extensive cultural information related to Hispanic culture. Students who successfully complete SPAN 1054 will be able to:

  • Pronounce Spanish accurately enough to be understood by a sympathetic listener.
  • Make and understand requests using formal commands.
  • Use and understand indefinite and negative expressions.
  • Express and understand expressions of likes and dislikes.
  • Express and understand generalizations, expectations, and passive voice,
  • Express knowing and familiarity.
  • Give advice, suggestions, and recommendations with subjunctive mood.
  • Talk about daily routines expressing reflexive and reciprocal action.
  • Gather information and talk about emergency situations and procedures.
  • Talk about food, nutrition, and healthy and unhealthy lifestyles.
  • Talk about pregnancy, childbirth, and postnatal and pediatric care.
  • Read authentic Spanish-language texts related to health care fields to obtain information, relying on cognates, familiar vocabulary, and prior knowledge of the subject in English to aid comprehension.
  • Identify some of the cultural factors that may influence patient history, health, and/or behavior.

Course Requirements:

  • Online assignments, quizzes and exams (closed book)
  • Proctored Tests – This course requires 2 proctored tests. Students may test at Albany State University campuses (East, West or Cordele) or online through Proctor U. Further information regarding proctored tests (including pricing structures for Proctor U) can be found within the course. Proctor U requires a computer (not a mobile device) with a webcam and microphone.

  • Basic knowledge of computers and computer applications

Additional Requirements:

Spanish for Health Care Professionals III

Continuation of Spanish for Health Care Professional II. Continued development of speaking, listening, reading and writing skills in Spanish, with application in the context of health care related professions. Designed for individuals working or majoring in health care related fields, the course presents health care terminology and grammar necessary to accomplish certain tasks required in the workplace, as well as extensive cultural information related to Hispanic culture.

Students completing SPAN 1058 will be able to:

  1. Demonstrate intermediate oral and aural proficiency of the Spanish language as it applies to the health care profession.
  2. Demonstrate intermediate reading and writing proficiency of the Spanish language as it applies to the health care professions.
  3. Recognize and discuss the Latin-American and Spanish cultures as applicable to the field of health care.

Prerequisite: SPAN 1054

Intermediate Spanish I

Credits:  3 Prerequisite: SPAN 1002 or equivalent

The student is guided in achieving some proficiency in oral communication while developing a degree of skill in reading and writing. Aspects of Spanish life and culture are presented through the use of selected reading materials, presentations and discussions. Students who successfully complete SPAN 2001 will be able to:

  • Use common greetings and short descriptions of themselves, family, friends, school, daily routine activities, pastimes, food.
  • Reproduce learned material in talking about what they are doing today, what they did yesterday, and what they are going to do tomorrow.
  • Make re-combinations of learned material.
  • Demonstrate understanding of classmates’ communication when supported by situation context.
  • Read and demonstrate understanding of simple texts that describe the Hispanic world, the Hispanic family, school setting, and basic activities.
  • Read and demonstrate understanding of most directions in exams and online activities.
  • Write short paragraphs about self, family, school, basic activities. Sentences will be primarily re-combinations of already learned phrases but will begin to be placed in sequential order.
  • Locate all Spanish-speaking countries on a map and name the capital of each.
  • Recognize and discuss some of the benefits of proficiency in a second language.
  • Identify and discuss some of the contributions of Spanish/Hispanic culture to the humanities and to world civilization.

Course Requirements:

  • Online assignments, quizzes and exams (closed book)
  • Proctored Tests – This course requires 2 proctored tests. Students may test at Albany State University campuses (East, West or Cordele) or online through Proctor U. Further information regarding proctored tests (including pricing structures for Proctor U) can be found within the course. Proctor U requires a computer (not a mobile device) with a webcam and microphone.

  • Research Paper
  • Be prepared to speak aloud in Spanish
  • Basic knowledge of computers and computer applications

Additional Requirements:

  • A computer with Microsoft Word and appropriate plug ins to successfully run GeorgiaView - https://albanystate.view.usg.edu/d2l/login – click System Checker

  • Microphone, headset or speakers
  • Download and installment of the Free recording program Audacity

Intermediate Spanish II

Credits:  3 Prerequisite: SPAN 2001 or equivalent

The course provides initial exposure to short literary works by authors from Spain and Spanish America complemented by biographical and cultural notes. Conversational format with weekly written assignments. Students who successfully complete SPAN 2002 will be able to:

  • Use the language in a spontaneous way communicating some opinions and views about self, family, etc.
  • Maintain a simple conversation with someone who speaks only the target language.
  • Understand most everything that goes on in the classroom and follow “stories” told by the teachers about events last year, today, and next week.
  • Use the subjunctive mood to suggest doing things with other people, to talk about doubts and disbelief, desires, hopes, requests, preferences, recommendations, and emotional involvement in situations.
  • Recognize the growing Hispanic presence and its influence in the United States.
  • Identify and discuss some of the contributions of the Hispanic world to the humanities and to world civilization.
  • Locate and utilize supplemental language and culture resources on the Internet.

Course Requirements:

  • Online assignments, quizzes and exams (closed book)
  • Research Paper
  • Be prepared to speak aloud in Spanish
  • Basic knowledge of computers and computer applications
  • Proctored Tests – This course requires 2 proctored tests. Students may test at Albany State University campuses (East, West or Cordele) or online through Proctor U. Further information regarding proctored tests (including pricing structures for Proctor U) can be found within the course. Proctor U requires a computer (not a mobile device) with a webcam and microphone.

Additional Requirements:

  • Access key to Supersite and WebSAM
  • A computer with Microsoft Word and appropriate plug ins to successfully run GeorgiaView - https://albanystate.view.usg.edu/d2l/login – click System Checker

  • Microphone, headset or speakers
  • Download and installment of the Free recording program Audacity