Distance Learning


Introduction to Counseling Profession

This course offers an introduction and orientation to the counseling profession. The course includes studies of the history and philosophy of the profession; contemporary and emerging trends in counseling; professional organizations, publications, credentialing requirements including certification and licensure and accreditation standards; advocacy, public policy, and ethical codes that shape professional practice. 

Introduction to Professional Writing

This is an introductory course in professional writing. Scholarly writing using APA publication comprises the primary course activity.

Professional Issues in Counseling

This critical thinking course will assist students with conceptualization and synthesis of current issues and trends in Professional Counseling. Through review and critical analysis of counseling research and publications, will deepen students' knowledge of trends and issues influencing the profession.

Theories of Counseling*

This course introduces students to the theories and principles of counseling, alternative theoretical strategies and the process of counseling. Points of convergence and divergence will be discussed.

Lifespan Development*

This course offers an introduction to the study of human development from conception through death. Theories of development of physical, psychological, psychosocial, cognitive, moral aspects of human development are presented. The course also explores environmental and genetic factors, developmental crises and transitions, family development, and community influences as they relate to optimal and exceptional development.

Foundations of Rehabilitation Counseling

This course presents the history and philosophy of rehabilitation counseling. The course will discuss public and private vocational rehabilitation systems; relevant legislation; professional credentialing issues including certification, licensure, and accreditation; systems knowledge of healthcare, education, and rehabilitation; and public policy and advocacy strategies for counselors and consumers. The ecological perspective and ethical codes of conduct will be discussed.

School Counseling Foundations

This course provides an overview of principles of school counseling. Counseling services, practices and basic concepts relating to organization and operation of school counseling programs are offered. Emphasis is placed on theories of human growth and development and the implementation of a developmentally appropriate school counseling program. Prerequisite: Permission of Program Coordinator.

Introduction to Mental Health Counseling

Students are introduced to the history, philosophy, and theoretical foundations of the clinical mental health counseling professions, including the scope of practice, credentialing, professional roles, functions, and relationships with other helpers. This course provides an overview of the clinical mental health counseling program; self-care strategies appropriate to the counselor role; professional organizations and licensure; and the roles of professional counselors in advocacy and the promotion of social justice.

Assessment in Counselor Education

Students in this course are provided with an overview of assessments used in counseling, rehabilitation, and education as well as the responsibilities of counselors using assessments. Students learn about the tests used in clinical, educational, and organizational settings, and they examine the psychometric properties used to develop and evaluate these instruments. Topics included in this course are statistical concepts, and common assessment formats for measuring constructs such as personality, pathology, achievement, aptitude, and career interests. There will also be a focus on assessment critique, administration and interpretation of assessment results, and incorporating assessment results into work with clients and students. Prerequisite: Admission to the Counselor Education Program.

Counseling Strategies and Techniques

An experimental approach to more effective interpersonal communication, this course offers the opportunity for awareness, personal growth and understanding of self and other, and communication of that self-awareness and understanding. This course is designed to teach basic skills of the helping relationship and the structure of the basic counseling interview. Through skills practice, students develop a better understanding of the relationship between theory and practice. Prerequisite: COUN 5500.

Counseling Children and Adolescents

This course covers salient considerations for counseling children and adolescents, emphasizing the effects of such factors as disability, cultural diversity, substance abuse, behavioral disorders, and academic development. Students learn appropriate strategies and techniques to assess behavior and meet the needs of children and adolescents and common medications that affect learning, behavior, and mood in children and adolescents. Simulation, observations, and in-class role plays are incorporated throughout this course. Prerequisites: COUN 5501 and COUN 5512.

Group Counseling and Dynamics

The experiential course emphasizes the nature of groups and the dynamics of group interaction as well as the legal and ethical standards related to group counseling. Students design, implement, and facilitate counseling groups. Prerequisite: COUN 5512.

Couples and Family Counseling

Using a systems prespective for understanding the dynamics of families and couples, this course provides students with theories, knowledge, and skills related to major models of family counseling and related interventions as a rationale for selecting appropriate modalities for assessment and counseling. Prerequisite: COUN 5512.

Addiction Counseling

This course provides an orientation to and introductory framework for recognizing and treating addictions and abuses. Students develop conceptual knowledge, practical skills, and self-awareness concerning the etiology of addiction, assessment strategies, and diagnosis and treatment planning as evidenced in the current professional literature. Theories of addiction counseling and application of these theories comprise a significant part of this course. Co-occuring disorders, such as process addictions and mental illnesses are also addressed. Prerequisite: COUN 5500.

Addiction Counseling

This course provides an orientation to and introductory framework for recognizing and treating addictions and abuses. Students develop conceptual knowledge, practical skills, and self-awareness concerning the etiology of addiction, assessment strategies, and diagnosis and treatment planning as evidenced in the current professional literature. Theories of addiction counseling and application of these theories comprise a significant part of this course. Co-occuring disorders, such as process addictions and mental illnesses are also addressed. Prerequisite: COUN 5500.

Multicultural Counseling: Theory & Practice

An examination of relationships, issues and trends in the context of a diverse society related to such factors as culture, ethnicity, nationality, age, gender, sexual orientation, mental and physical characteristics,family, religious and spiritual values, education, socioeconomic status and the unique characteristics of individuals, couples, families, ethnic groups, and communities. Prerequisite: COUN 5500.

Case Management

This course covers case management concepts, systems, processes and competencies necessary for effective service delivery to persons with disabilities and their families. Information regarding the range and level of community and professional resources, service, and products that facilitate the quality of life, independent living, and work for individuals with disabilities in rural settings is integrated into the course; strategies for caseload management, cost effective service coordination, vendor selection, conflict management, and evaluation are addressed. Prerequisites: COUN 5504, 5550, 5551, 5510.

School Counseling in P-12 Settings

This course of the application of counseling at the elementary, middle, and secondary school levels. Emphasis is placed on the design and implementation of a comprehensive school counseling program. Peer facilitation, alternative programs and assessing the need for programs, informing administrators, teachers, parents and students about services, advertising, and recruitment will be covered. Prerequisite: COUN 5500.

Curriculum and Program Coordination

This course examines the organization of comprehensive, developmental school counseling programs in the elementary, middle, and high schools, as well as the design and implementation of the school counseling curriculum for grades P-12. The counselor's role as program coordinator focuses upon needs assessments, curriculum planning and implementation, time and resource management, public relations, and program evaluation. Ethical and diversity issues are emphasized in designing curricula and delivery strategies to address the developmental needs of all students. Prerequisite: COUN 5528.

Career Development and Counseling

This course focuses on career development theories and decision making models use of occupational and labor market information, technology-based career market information, technology-based career information systems, career development, and educational planning. Prerequisite: COUN 5500.

Vocational Development and Placement

This course provides an overview of vocational development and placement services, including labor market analysis, job analysis, work-site modification and restructuring, employer contacts, supported employment, and retention. The course also discusses the application of technology to the employment of persons with disabilities, post-employment services, job coaching, and natural supports. Prerequisites: COUN 5504, COUN 5531.

Prevention, Intervention & Consulation

The course will help students to develop the skills and techniques for effective consultation with clients, educators, parents, and community referral resources, and other clinicians. Theoretical and practical application and practice of specific skills essential to prevention, intervention, and collaboration are emphasized. Prerequisites: COUN 5528 or COUN 5525 or COUN 5508.

Medical And Psychosocial Aspects of A Disablity I

This course examines contemporary models of adjustment to disability and explores the impact of culture, individual diversity, and sociological dynamics on disability. Medical terminology and diagnostic criteria and functional limitations are introduced. Prerequisite: COUN 5504.

Medical And Psychosocial Aspects of a Disability II

This course explores disabilities from a systems perspective and incorporates fundamental information regarding medical terminology, diagnostic criteria and functional limitations, medical practitioners, assistive technologies, and health care systems as well as adjustment to disability. Consumer adjustment to disability, psychosocial, cultural, and other contextual factors that impact persons with disabilities will be infused throughout this course. Prerequisite: COUN 5550.

Diagnosis and Treatment

This course provides a framework for understanding the major diagnostic categories of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual. Emphasis is given to the principles and practices that relate to the psychopathology, DSM diagnosis, etiology and assessment, systematic treatment planning, interviewing, and short- and long-term interventions. Students examine techniques commonly used for the diagnosis and treatment of cognitive, emotional, and developmental disorders as well as for psychophysiological and psychosocial programs. Through coursework and discussions, students consider multicultural factors that complicate diagnosis as well as current trends and contemporary issues in clinical assessment and diagnosis. Prerequisite: COUN 5700.


This course provides an overview of psychotropic medications used in the management of mental, behavioral, and addictive disorders in children and adults. Students will explore basic anatomical, physiological, and chemical characteristics of the nervous system to understand the rationale for using medications, along with their limitations and side effects. Additionally, students explore related historical, social, ethnic, and cultural factors related to counseling and psychotropic medical treatment. Prerequisite: COUN 5560.


Students complete at least 100 clock hours of supervised clinical experience conducive to the modeling, demonstration, and development of counseling skills. The practicum requires 40 hours of direct service with clients, including experience in individual counseling. Counseling interview will be recorded. Background checks and proof of professional liability insurance coverage are required. Prerequisites: COUN 5501, 5512, 5515, 5531, 5600 or permission of Program Coordinator.

Selected Topics in Counseling

This seminar features a combination of lecture, discussion, resarch and presentations. Topics vary each time course is offered. This course may be repeated for credit under different topics. Prerequisites: Permission of the Program Coordinator.

Internship I

Internship provides a supervised 600 clock hours of clinical experience in setting. Interns must complete at least 240 direct service clock hours, including experience in individual counseling and group work, and supervision by the University Supervisor and the cooperating onsite counselor. Prerequisite: COUN 5570, or Permission of the Program Coordinator.


This class offers students the opportunity to develop and defend their research under the supervision of their thesis advisor. Prerequisites: COUN 5570 or Permission of Program Coordinator.

Internship II

This course is a continuation of COUN 5595. In this course, students complete their supervised, 600 clock hour internship in a setting appropriate for their specialized field of training. The requirement includes completion of 240 direct service clock hours and supervision by the university supervisor and the cooperating onsite counselor. Prerequisite: COUN 5595.

Ethical and Legal Issues in Counseling

Legislative, judicial and ethical mandates germane to professional counselors are presented in this course. Current issues including such topics as confidentiality, use of assessment instruments, family issues, professional identity, and an examination of the ACA Code of Ethics and other professional standards will be covered. Prerequisite: COUN 5528.

Crisis Counseling And Intervention

This course provides an overview of the types and models of crisis intervention. Consideration of organization, and client variables including developmental needs, diversity and cultural issues, as well as primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention are addressed. Prerequisite: COUN 5512.

Research and Program Evaluation for Counselors

This course presents research methodology, philosophical, ethical, and training issues; major qualitative and quantitative designs; methodological issues, and professional research issues. Students complete training on human subjects review. Prerequisites: COUN 5510 or permission of coordinator.