Distance Learning


Physical Science I

Credits:  4

Prerequisites: Satisfactory score on mathematics placement test or completion of ENGL 0989 or satisfactory English scores to place into co-requisite remediation or higher; MATH 0987, MATH 0989 or satisfactory math scores to place into corequisite remediation of higher.

This course is a brief survey of the important aspects of physics and astronomy. The goal of this course is to provide students with a solid background concerning basic topics in physics and astronomy including topics on basic mechanics, heat, waves, sound, light, electricity and magnetism, universal galaxies, stars and planets. This course is for students not majoring in mathematics or science and will not count toward graduation if a physics course is presented for graduation. Laboratory exercises supplement the lecture material. This course cannot be used with PHYS 1111 to satisfy Area D for students majored in sciences.

Students who successfully complete PHSC 1011K are expected to be able to:

  • Interconvert and make use of various units/systems of measurement.
  • Describe and distinguish the various types of motion; express the laws of motion.
  • Express the relationships between work and energy and list some sources of energy.
  • Distinguish and measure heat and temperature; define the laws of thermodynamics.
  • Identify and define the properties of sound and light waves.
  • Identify and define the properties of electricity.
  • Identify types of nuclear processes.
  • Identify the laws of planetary motion and describe the solar system.
  • Describe the earth’s coordinate systems, time zones and the relation between the earth, sun and seasons.
  • Describe some features of the moon and relation between the earth, sun and phases of the moon.
  • Identify the life stages of the stars and the hierarchy of the universe systems.
  • Perform measurements using laboratory instruments and data acquisition devices and use the scientific method in safely carrying out laboratory experiments.

Course Requirements:

  • Laboratory exercises utilizing basic household materials
  • Online Quizzes, tests, and assignments
  • Basic knowledge of computers and computer applications
  • Lab Science Fee:  $20.00
  • Instructor Mutisya:Proctored Tests – This course requires 4 proctored tests. Students may test at Albany State University campuses (East, West or Cordele) or online through Proctor U. Further information regarding proctored tests (including pricing structures for Proctor U) can be found within the course. Proctor U requires a computer (not a mobile device) with a webcam and microphone.

Additional Requirements:

  • A computer with Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel and appropriate plug ins to successfully run GeorgiaView.  See https://albanystate.view.usg.edu/d2l/login – click System Checker 
  • Scientific Calculator (non-graphing) – graphing calculators are fine, but not required.
  • Safety Glasses– should comply with ANSI Z87.1-1989, “American National Standard Practice of occupational and Educational Eye and Face Protection” (Make sure the safety glasses purchased are stamped with Z87, which signifies they meet OSHA standards.)
  • Laboratory exercises use basic household materials
  • Students may have to purchase sundry items. However, most students should have most of the items in their pantry or garage.

Physical Science II

Credits:  4

Prerequisites: Satisfactory score on mathematics placement test or completion of ENGL 0989 or satisfactory English scores to place into co-requisite remediation or higher; MATH 0987, MATH 0989 or satisfactory math scores to place into corequisite remediation of higher.

This course is a brief survey of the important aspects of chemistry and geology. The goal is to provide students with a solid background concerning basic topics in chemistry and geology. This course is for students not majoring in mathematics or science and will not count toward graduation if chemistry is presented for graduation. Laboratory exercises supplement the lecture material. This course cannot be used with CHEM 1100 or CHEM 1211 to satisfy Area D for students majored in sciences.

Students who successfully complete PHSC 1012K are expected to be able to:

  • Solve problems by utilizing the scientific method/Employ the scientific method to carry out laboratory exercises.
  • Compare, contrast and make use of various systems of measurement.
  • Demonstrate the use scientific notation and significant figures.
  • Recognize and write common chemical symbols, chemical formulas, and chemical equations.
  • Describe the periodic table of elements and use the periodic table to provide information on the physical and chemical properties of the elements.
  • Describe chemical reactions and explain the factors that can influence the rate of chemical reactions.
  • Describe the characteristic properties of acids and bases.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of chemical bonding.
  • Describe the various types of rock formation (igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary) and the relevance to the rock cycle.
  • Compare the various types of plate motion according to the theory of plate tectonics.
  • Identify and discuss the various aspects of igneous activity.
  • Compare and contrast the properties and characteristics of igneous, metamorphic, sedimentary rocks.
  • Describe the composition and structure of the atmosphere.
  • Discuss the various types of storms and state the atmospheric effects that give rise to storms.
  • Discuss how the topics covered in the course content relate to the laboratory exercises.
  • Demonstrate an increased understanding of laboratory safely and procedures.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the important aspects of chemistry and geology and how these scientific principles relate to the world around us.

Course Requirements:

  • Completion of laboratory exercises at home or at another suitable location
  • Online Quizzes and assignments
  • Basic knowledge of computers and computer applications
  • Instructor Mutisya: Proctored Tests – This course requires 4 proctored tests. Students may test at Albany State University campuses (East, West or Cordele) or online through Proctor U. Further information regarding proctored tests (including pricing structures for Proctor U) can be found within the course. Proctor U requires a computer (not a mobile device) with a webcam and microphone.

Additional Requirements:

  • A computer with Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel and appropriate plug ins to successfully run GeorgiaView.  See https://albanystate.view.usg.edu/d2l/login – click System Checker
  • Scientific Calculator
  • Safety Glasses (stamped with Z87)
  • Basic household materials for labs