Distance Learning


Elementary Japanese I

Credits:  3 Prerequisite: ENGL 989 or satisfactory English scores to place into co-requisite remediation or higher

JAPN 1001 is An oral approach to the language, with fundamentals of grammar and emphasis on conversation, supplemented by oral-aural drills in the language laboratory.  Students who successfully complete this course are expected to:

  • Introduce themselves and respond to introductions, and engage in brief conversations in Japanese, greeting others and saying good-bye appropriately.
  • Address others appropriately with respect to social relationship and context.
  • Describe their home and their hometown, both orally and in writing.
  • Express agreement and disagreement.
  • Ask and answer questions about locations.
  • Master two of the writing systems (Hiragana and Katakana).
  • Demonstrate basic knowledge of Kanji (Chinese characters).
  • Compare and contrast some features of Japanese culture with those of the culture of the United States.
  • Locate and utilize cultural resources through the Internet.
  • Discuss at least one issue of current concern in Japan and relate it to issues of concern in the United States.
  • Recognize and discuss some of the contributions of Japan to the humanities and world civilization.

Course Requirements:

  • Online Quizzes and assignments
  • Basic-advanced knowledge of computers, computer applications, and trouble-shooting.

Additional Requirements:

  • Proctored Tests – This course requires 2 proctored tests. Students may test at Albany State University campuses (East, West or Cordele).
  • A computer with Microsoft Word and appropriate plug ins to successfully run GeorgiaView - https://albanystate.view.usg.edu/d2l/login – click System Checker

  • Computer Microphone

Elementary Japanese II

Credits: 3 Prerequisite: JAPN 1001 with a grade C or higher

A continuation of Japanese 1001 that further develop listening, speaking, reading and writing skills in Japanese while including cultural, historical, and literary components

At the end of this class, students will be able to:

  • Demonstrate elementary oral and aural proficiency of the Japanese language.
  • Demonstrate elementary reading and writing proficiency of the Japanese language.
  • Recognize and discuss the Japanese culture.

Course Requirements:

  • Proctored Tests – This course requires 2 proctored tests. Students may test at Albany State University campuses (East, West or Cordele).

  • Computer Microphone

Additional Requirements:

Intermediate Japanese II

Credits: 3 Prerequisite: JAPN 1002 with a grade of C or higher

JAPN 2002 is a continuation of JAPN 2001 and includes intermediate grammar, expansion of vocabulary and continued practice in conversation, writing and reading, and advancing knowledge of Japan related issues.

At the end of this class, students will be able to:

  • Demonstrate elementary oral and aural proficiency of the Japanese language.
  • Demonstrate elementary reading and writing proficiency of the Japanese language.
  • Recognize and discuss the Japanese culture.

Course Requirements:

  • Proctored Tests – This course requires 2 proctored tests. Students may test at Albany State University campuses (East, West or Cordele).

Additional Requirements: