Distance Learning


College Concert Band

Credits:  1 Prerequisite: Ability to play a band instrument at college level.

This course involves the study, rehearsal, and concert performance of literature for band. This course involves a performance ensemble open to college students and community members. Repertory is consistent with proficiency levels of participants, but is challenging. May be taken for two semesters before advancing to MUSC 2080 College Concert Band 2. Required of students studying woodwind, brass, and percussion as their performance ensemble during enrollment. Additional rehearsals may be announced by the instructor. Students who successfully complete MUSC 1080 will be able to:

  • Demonstrate correct playing position and posture for chosen instrument.
  • Perform music literature at the level five and six difficulty level.
  • Sight-read music literature at the level four or greater difficulty level .
  • Demonstrate ability to perform individually, in small groups and as a member of an ensemble.
  • Tune instrument accurately to appropriate sound sources and/or electronic tuners.
  • Demonstrate correct breathing, embouchure, articulation, characteristic tone, vibrato, and technical skills on the chosen instrument.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of music vocabulary necessary for study, rehearsal, and performance of music.

Course Requirements:

  • Online assignments, quizzes, and tests
  • Basic knowledge of computers and computer applications

Additional Requirements:

College Choir I

Credits:  1 Prerequisite: None

 This course involves the study, rehearsal, and concert performance of literature for choir. It's open to all students who enjoy singing. Repertory includes wide range of choral music representing all styles and periods. May be taken for two semesters before advancing to MUSC 2090 College Choir 2. Required of students studying vocal as their performance ensemble during enrollment. Extra rehearsals called at the discretion of the director. Students who successfully complete MUSC 1090 will be able to:

  • Demonstrate correct posture for singing.
  • Demonstrate correct breathing techniques for vocal production.
  • Sing with clear vowel sound, proper diction and appropriate tone quality.
  • Demonstrate proficiency in sight-reading at the expected competency level.
  • Perform selected music repertoire at expected competency level.
  • Demonstrate ability to perform individually, in small groups, and as a member of an ensemble.
  • Sing from memory selected music for public performance.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of music vocabulary necessary for study, rehearsal and performance of music.

Course Requirements:

  • Online assignments, quizzes, and tests
  • Basic knowledge of computers and computer applications

Additional Requirements:

Music Appreciation

Credits:  3 Prerequisite: None

General education course for non-music majors. Study of the basic materials of music and a survey of important examples of music literature, style periods, and representative composers from the sixth century to the present day. Emphasizes techniques for listening analytically and critically.  Students who successfully complete MUSC 1100 will be able to:

  • recognize various styles, forms, and major historical periods of western music
  • identify and discuss musical forms and their stylistic aspects of western music
  • apply musical terms and concepts to different musical forms within the various style periods
  • listen to music or examine scores to describe the elements (rhythm, melody, harmony, form, dynamics, and timbre) of music
  • analyze and make critical judgments and about music
  • Demonstrate knowledge of the historical and cultural context of Renaissance, Baroque, Classical, Romantic, Impressionist, and 20th century music
  • Demonstrate proper audience etiquette

Course Requirements:

  • Open Educational Resources (OER) with no textbook purchase available.  
  • Online assignments, quizzes, and tests
  • Extensive listening assignments
  • Concert and recital attendance
  • Term paper

Additional Requirements:

Elementary Music Theory I

Credits:  2 Prerequisite: None

This course is a study of rhythm and its notation. Pitch and its notation, scales, keys, modes, and intervals, harmony (triads, chords, root positions, figured bass conventions). Harmonic analysis techniques, cadences, aspects of melodic construction, and voice leading principles. Students who successfully complete MUSC 1101 will be able to:

  • Demonstrate knowledge of music notation, part-writing, and analytical techniques
  • Demonstrate of knowledge of music vocabulary

Course Requirements:

  • Online assignments, quizzes, and tests
  • Basic knowledge of computers and computer applications

Additional Requirements:

Elementary Music Theory II

Credits:  2 Prerequisite: MUSC 1101

This course is a study of voice leading principles (review), functional tonality, seventh chords, and form.  Students who successfully complete MUSC 1102 will be able to:

  • Demonstrate knowledge of music notation, part-writing, and analytical techniques.
  • Demonstration of knowledge of music vocabulary.

Course Requirements:

  • Online assignments, quizzes, and tests
  • Basic knowledge of computers and computer applications

Additional Requirements:

Advanced Theory I

Credits:  2 Prerequisite:  MUSC 1102

This course is a study of borrowed chords, secondary dominants, secondary seventh chords, and analysis of small forms.  Students who successfully complete MUSC 2201 will be able to:

  • Demonstrate knowledge of music notation, part-writing, and analytical techniques.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of music vocabulary through written assignments.

Course Requirements:

  • Online assignments, quizzes, and tests
  • Basic knowledge of computers and computer applications

Additional Requirements:

Advanced Theory II

Credits:  2 Prerequisite:  MUSC 2201

This course is a study of Neapolitan and augmented sixth chords and other chromatic chord forms, chords of the ninth, eleventh, and thirteenth, and advanced modulation. Harmonic techniques of the classical period, Sonata form, the Rondo, nineteenth century harmonic developments, twentieth century compositional techniques, and recent musical developments will also be introduced. Students who successfully complete MUSC 2202 will be able to:

  • Demonstrate knowledge of music notation, part-writing, and analytical techniques.
  • Demonstration of knowledge of music vocabulary through written assignments.

Course Requirements:

  • Online assignments, quizzes, and tests
  • Basic knowledge of computers and computer applications

Additional Requirements:

Applied Music for Music Majors Only

Credits:  2 Prerequisite: None

Corequisite: MUSC 1090 (students studying voice) or permission of program director; or MUSC 1080 (students studying instrumental) or MUSC 1070 (students studying string) or permission of program director, or MUSC 1080 or 1090 (students studying guitar and piano) or permission of program director.

Designed for music plans of study. A one-hour private music lesson each week leading to advanced technical proficiency and performance of advanced solo literature. Students learn repertoire necessary for transfer into a music baccalaureate degree program. Students may take the course each semester until they complete the objectives of the course. A minimum of five hours of practice a week is required.  Students who successfully complete MUSC 2211 will be able to:

  • Demonstrate correct performance playing/singing position and posture in performance.
  • Read and perform music literature to the level IV – VI level of difficulty.
  • Demonstrate the ability to perform individually.
  • Demonstrate understanding of music theory through performance.
  • Recognize key signatures of performed music and perform appropriate scales and arpeggios from memory.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of music vocabulary necessary for study, rehearsal, and performance of music.
  • Perform interpretations of standard/appropriate music repertoire.

Course Requirements:

  • Online assignments, quizzes, and tests
  • Basic knowledge of computers and computer applications

Additional Requirements:

Applied Music for Music Majors Only

Credits:  2

Corequisite: MUSC 1090 (students studying voice) or permission of program director; or MUSC 1070 (students studying string) or permission of program director, MUSC 1080 (students studying instrumental) or permission of program director; or MUSC 1080 or 1090 (students studying guitar and piano) or permission of program director.

Prerequisite: MUSC 2211, MUSC 1101, MUSC 1102.

Designed for music plans of study. A one-hour private music lesson each week leading to advanced technical proficiency and performance of advanced solo literature. Students learn repertoire necessary for transfer into a music baccalaureate degree program. Students make take the course each semester until they complete the objectives of the course. A minimum of five hours of practice a week is required.  Students who successfully complete MUSC 2212 will be able to:

  • Demonstrate correct performance playing/singing position and posture in performance.
  • Read and perform music literature at 4-6 level of difficulty.
  • Demonstrate the ability to perform individually.
  • Demonstrate understanding of music theory through performance.
  • Recognize key signatures of performed music and perform appropriate scales and arpeggios from memory.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of music vocabulary necessary for study, rehearsal, and performance of music.
  • Perform interpretations of standard/appropriate music repertoire.

Course Requirements:

  • Online assignments, quizzes, and tests
  • Basic knowledge of computers and computer applications

Additional Requirements: