100% of the Gold and Blue are the original colors

Dorea's Shades of Gold

Percent RGB value HEX Code Sample Description
100% rgb(228,161,27) #E4A11B   Full Gold
80% rgb(233,180,73) #E9B449    
75% rgb(235,185,84) #EBB954    
50% rgb(241,208,141) #F1D08D    
25% rgb(248,231,198) #F8E7C6    
15% rgb(251,251,221) #FBFBDD   looks a little off
10% rgb(252,245,232) #fcf5e8    
5% rgb(254,250,243) #FEFAF3    
100% rgb(132,89,3) #845903   (border color - dark)

Dorea's Shades of Blue

Percent RGB value HEX Code Sample Description
100% rgb(0,91,168) #005BA8   Full Blue
80% rgb(51,124,185) #337CB9    
75% rgb(64,132,190) #4084BE    
50% rgb(127,173,211) #7FADD3    
25% rgb(191,214,233) #BFD6E9    
15% rgb(217,231,242) #D9E7F2    
10% rgb(229,238,246) #E5EEF6    
5% rgb(242,247,251) #F2F7FB    
100% rgb(1,60,110) #013c6e   (dark hover color)
100% rgb(0,44,81) #002c51   (border color - dark)