100% of the Gold and Blue are the original colors

All color values taken from www.color-hex.com

ASU Shades of Gold

Percent RGB value HEX Code Sample Description
100% rgb(255,153,0) #FF9900   Full Gold
90% rgb(255,163,25) #FFA319    
80% rgb(255,173,50) #FFAD32    
70% rgb(255,183,76) #FFB74C    
60% rgb(255,193,102) #FFC166    
50% rgb(251,251,221) #FFCC7F    
40% rgb(255,214,153) #FFD699    
30% rgb(255,224,178) #FFE0B2    
20% rgb(255,234,204) #FFEACC    
10% rgb(255,244,229) #FFF4E5    
30% Tent rgb(76,45,0) #4C2D00   (border color - dark)

ASU Shades of Blue

Percent RGB value HEX Code Sample Description
100% rgb(0,51,153) #003399   Full Blue
90% rgb(25,71,163) #1947a3    
80% rgb(50,91,173) #325bad    
70% rgb(76,112,183) #4c70b7    
60% rgb(102,132,193) #4c70b7    
50% rgb(127,153,204) #7f99cc    
40% rgb(127,153,204) #99add6    
30% rgb(178,193,224) #b2c1e0    
20% rgb(204,214,234) #ccd6ea    
10% rgb(229,234,244) #e5eaf4    
50% Tent rgb(0,25,76) #00194c   (border color - dark)

ASU Shades of Gray

Percent RGB value HEX Code Sample Description
100% rgb(229,234,244) #e5eaf4   Full Gray, 10%
of ASU Blue
90% rgb(206,210,219) #CED2DB    
80% rgb(183,187,195) #B7BBC3    
70% rgb(160,163,170) #a0a3aa    
60% rgb(137,140,146) #898c92    
50% rgb(114,117,122) #72757a    
40% rgb(91,93,97) #5b5d61    
30% rgb(68,70,73) #444649    
20% rgb(45,46,48) #2d2e30    
10% rgb(22,23,24) #161718