ASU Human Resources
Job Descriptions Plugin

Department IDs

The shortcode for ASU Human Resources Job Descriptions can accept on argument - the ID number of the department being referenced.

Example: [asu_hr_descriptions id="1"] will pull Admissions

Department ID #
Admissions 1
Athletics 40
Business & Financial Services 15
Campus Life 31
Child Care Resource & Referral 14
Cordele Center 12
Distribution Center 41
Financial Aid 10
Housing and Residence Life 42
Human Resources 20
Institutional Advancement 29
Learning Resources Center 22
Legal Affairs 39
Office of Academic Affairs 33
Office of Fiscal Affairs 36
Office of Student Affairs 27
Office of the President 28
Online Learning 7
Plant Operations 19
Public Safety 18
Registrar 16
School of Health Science, Nursing, & Physical Education 38
School of Humanities & Social Science 37
School of Science, Mathematics, & Computing 9
Student Success 26
Technology Services Division 24
Testing Center 43

CSS Styles

Add the following code to the CSS to create the "button" effects

@import url('/cp/bootstrap/css/bootstrap.min.css');
@import url('/cp/bootstrap/css/bootstrap-theme.min.css');
@import url('/cp/bootstrap/assets/css/ie10-viewport-bug-workaround.css');

.btn {
width: 100%;
margin-bottom: 5px !important;
text-align: center;